How to Thrive When Things Get Hard

EAC Sept 2024 - 1

Sisyphus is a character in Greek Mythology who teaches a powerful lesson about overcoming challenges and maintaining consistency. As the story goes, the Greek gods were upset with Sisyphus, so his punishment was to push a big boulder up a hill. Each day he would reach the top of the hill, only to have the boulder roll to the bottom again at the end of the day.

Sisyphus repeated this task over and over again. His punishment continued for eternity! Not only was he dealing with the physical challenges of rolling the boulder uphill, but it must have also involved significant mental challenges… especially since the task seemed quite pointless.

Can you relate to this experience? Waking up each morning with a to-do list of necessary, but seemingly pointless, tasks that need to be completed each day? This is life on the treadmill of responsibility. Sometimes it can feel like an endless cycle that you are never going to break free from.

A Different Perspective

But there is a different way of looking at this story. What if Sisyphus wasn’t complaining and struggling… instead, he was happy and found a way to be satisfied in the daily grind? It might seem counterintuitive to think that someone could be happy if they don’t seem to be making progress. The truth is that happiness is in the eye of the beholder.

The secret is that happiness can be found within, regardless of the circumstances you are dealing with. Your thought patterns assign meaning to the circumstances, which means that changing your thinking will change the way it feels to complete your daily tasks.

Ups and Downs are Expected

Life is going to bring ups and downs, no matter your circumstances. It might feel like you overcome one problem, only to run into the same issue that needs to be resolved once again. If you can find purpose and meaning in these small aspects of the daily routine, then it will help you find the fulfillment you are seeking.

If your business starts to feel like you are pushing the same boulder up the hill every day, then it’s time to meet with Jim McLaughlin. Reach out to learn more about how the Effective Action Consulting systems can bring more fulfillment and purpose to your career and life. It’s possible to create a better future for yourself, especially if you have the necessary support and coaching along the way.