Blog Post

Finding Ways to Fail

One commonly held belief in our society is that failure should be avoided at all costs. This idea isn’t even questioned: most people will agree that they don’t want to be the one who fails in their career, relationships, sports, or any other aspects of life. How much have your actions been limited because you…

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A New Paradigm: Work Less, Make More

What thought patterns and paradigms are running through your head all day long? Many people are unaware of the repeated thoughts that hinder their success – which is limiting the possibilities and opportunities in life. Negative Mental Programming Not only do personal experiences and history play a role in the paradigms we believe, but there…

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Foundational Principles of Success

When you are in the kitchen and getting ready to bake cookies, specific ingredients must be used and steps must be followed to achieve the desired outcome. In the same way, there is a recipe for success in business and personal goals. Are you following the recipe to advance your career and achieve the business…

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3 Subtle Ways that Entrepreneurs Sabotage Their Own Business

As a business owner or entrepreneur, are you aware of the ways that you might be sabotaging your own success? Too often, people make critical mistakes that slow their progress… and they aren’t aware of the sabotaging effects that are occurring from these patterns. Today, I am sharing the top three mistakes that sabotage success,…

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What Limitations Are in Your Comfort Zone?

I was recently at the gym, and a friend told me: “It’s good to see you getting out of your comfort zone.” The statement caught me off guard and left me speechless. As I considered my response, I came up blank so I just looked at her and smiled. Then, some interesting thoughts began to…

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What Are You Building?

The combination of action, intention, and vision is a powerful recipe for success. While going through the motions is better than staying still, real results come when these actions are paired with a vision for the future. This allegory might be simple, but there is a deep message that can make a difference in the…

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Two ways of living: survival and contribution

So as part of an assignment, I’m pondering answers to these questions: What is my life about?   What am I giving myself to? …and out of the shadows of my mind comes this: “surviving.” Wow. That’s not good. Survival is important, of course, but not very inspiring. Imagine someone greets you with, “How’s it going?”…

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Take a stand.

When you take a stand for something, risk evaporates. The course of action is clear. All there is, is action. With action comes results. You cannot fail, unless you take no action at all. What are you standing for? Do you truly stand for that happening 24/7? Maybe you need to take a stand for…

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