Infusing Your Work with Wonder and Passion

EAC Sept 2024 - 2

Spend a few hours with a child and you will see the world through fresh eyes. Children see the smallest details that we often overlook as adults: the leaves rustling in the trees, the colors of the flowers, and the way the raindrops make patterns on the cement.

At some point in our lives, we stop wondering. We get into a routine of work and responsibility, and no longer see a sense of wonder in our daily experiences.

Why Do We Stop Wondering?

In fact, it’s likely that we stopped wondering because we thought we knew it all. We knew how to handle just about any situation, so we stopped being curious and we stopped wondering. We think we know many things about the circumstances around us:

  • How to get by in the world
  • How the world is
  • How the government is
  • How this person is and that person is
  • And, of course, how WE are

But what if our knowing is wrong? It’s rare that we question these seemingly normal things in our lives. We accept everything as truth, which means that we continue repeating the same patterns and treating people the same way, day in and day out.

At the same time, all of the people around us are doing the same thing: acting and reacting in patterns based on their familiar ways of thinking.

We’re locked into this persona we made up over the course of our life up to this point, and continue to engage with other personas in front of us. Our filters impact the way we see and behave with them, and their filters impact the way they see and behave with us.  

Infusing a Sense of Wonder into the Experience

Every once in a while, we have moments of wonder that break through. A beautiful experience that brings up emotion and it moves us. In that glimpse, we’ve caught a peek of new world, a new way to live.

What if you lived in a way that invited these glimpses of wonder into your everyday activities? It’s possible! Your thinking, your daily habits, your interactions with others—there is always choice in these things, and you have the opportunity to shift your perspective and create a different reality.

If you are ready to upgrade your work and career, then it’s time to reach out to Effective Action Consulting. Book a complimentary consultation to learn more about the ways coaching can transform your experience.