Stop Making Sense!

Stop Making Sense.

You may think I’m referring to the Talking Heads’ concert film.

I’m not.

Consider this instead. When what you say about yourself and your business “makes sense” to others, you lack distinction. You are categorized. You are pigeonholed. You are commoditized, indistinguishable.

That’s not what you want. That’s not who you are. You are unique. No one offers what you do, in the way that you do.

Rely less on following formulas and utilizing “best practices” to market your business and express your Self, your unique Self.

To do this you must identify and break down the barriers that stand in the way. You must be willing to be vulnerable and expose yourself.

This may sound risky, but that’s the ticket. And it’s really not as bad as you think it is.

It’s like dancing. You can’t be a great dancer by merely knowing the steps. You must free yourself of all constraints and express.

The world will cheer in delight. You are exactly what they’ve been looking for.


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