Take “Makes Sense” Out of Your Vocabulary

Take “Makes Sense” Out of Your Vocabulary

How often do you find yourself talking to another person, and you respond with a simple comment: “Makes sense?” While this response might seem appropriate or convenient, the truth is that it isn’t facilitating the conversation in the best way.

Anytime you tell someone that something “makes sense,” it means that you are lacking distinction. You are pigeonholed in the situation, resulting in a reputation for following the crowd.

You don’t want to be like the rest. Instead, your business and offerings need to show how you are unique, and you stand out. A successful approach to business is one where you can provide what clients need and want without anyone else doing it the way you do.

Change Your Vocabulary, Change Your Business

Going forward, look for ways to rely less on “making sense.” Instead of always implementing “best practices” in the industry and standard formulas, find solutions to better express yourself and market your business in a way that will truly stand out. The goal is to make your offerings unique so that customers have a memorable experience instead of having it all “make sense.”

Making sense is forgettable. Breaking barriers with new offerings and unique ways of doing things is unforgettable, which will keep people coming back to your business over and over again. Find the barriers standing in the way, then look for solutions to overcome these barriers and set yourself apart from the competition.

Risk Can Be a Good Thing

Stepping out of line and away from things that “make sense” might sound risky. But it can be worth the risk – and it isn’t as bad as you think. The key is to make calculated decisions on things that can have an impact on your customers and build your brand at the same time.

One comparison I like to make is that this process is like dancing. You can learn all of the basic steps. But you aren’t a true dancer until you start expressing movement through the music and free yourself of all constraints. “Makes sense” is the basic step, and letting go of this basic mindset is a way to free your business to achieve higher levels of freedom and success.

Business Coaching to Upgrade Your Results

What do you need help with in your mindset and business? Contact us at Effective Action Consulting to see how you can benefit from available business coaching services. We invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation and see if these services fit your unique needs.