What Stands in the Way Becomes the Way

Eighteen hundred years ago, Marcus Aurelius was the Emperor of Rome at the time. Now, he is known as a great stoic philosopher, and many people today refer to his teachings because they remain relevant
Take this for example: “What stands in the way becomes the way.”
Avoidance: Why We Often Look for the Easy Path
It’s human nature to seek the easy path. The basic human need to survive means that our nature is to choose the path that consumes the least resources: time, money, thought, energy, etc. It’s natural and normal to value peace and stability, which is why your mind is always working to keep you away from chaos and uncertainty.
These human tendencies were critical when we were living in a time when resources were scarce. Many years ago, our lives depended on these tendencies! Human experience was dominated by securing food and shelter, while also fighting off predators.
Things are different in our modern world. Our current experiences have us living in relative abundance. Most people have access to food and shelter, without wondering if they are going to be able to eat or sleep in the coming days. Yes, there are still people in the world who must work to survive… but if you are reading this, then it’s probably not you.
Taking on the Challenges for Growth
Since food, shelter, and safety are readily available for many people, the human experience starts to change. Now, we have the resources and ability to take on challenges rather than avoiding them. You have a choice to lean into the process and leverage challenges for your growth benefit. Or, you can avoid them or complain about them, and stay stuck in your current situation.
The reality is that taking on the challenges is not the easy or comfortable path to choose. But the rewards are incredible, even when we don’t succeed. Sometimes, the fear of not succeeding holds us back, but we don’t notice it because we have rationalizations and explanations to justify our inaction. We don’t want to admit that we “failed” at something.
This is the takeaway that you need to understand: there is a better way to live. Marcus Aurelius’ words capture this essence well: what stands in the way becomes the way.
It’s time to step up to a better way of living. Having awareness of our avoidance can be challenging because they are ingrained in our routines and operating system. But as soon as you start to see these patterns, then you take back your power to start making changes and improvements in your life.
Are you ready to challenge the status quo and experience momentum in your career or business? Then hit me up for a conversation. This could be a turning point in your life! Effective Action Consulting is here to help, schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more.