3 Subtle Ways that Entrepreneurs Sabotage Their Own Business

As a business owner or entrepreneur, are you aware of the ways that you might be sabotaging your own success? Too often, people make critical mistakes that slow their progress… and they aren’t aware of the sabotaging effects that are occurring from these patterns. Today, I am sharing the top three mistakes that sabotage success,…

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What Limitations Are in Your Comfort Zone?

I was recently at the gym, and a friend told me: “It’s good to see you getting out of your comfort zone.” The statement caught me off guard and left me speechless. As I considered my response, I came up blank so I just looked at her and smiled. Then, some interesting thoughts began to…

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Returning to Wonder

Kids say “wow” a lot. They are surprised by life, over and over. Spend a day with a child and pay attention to how often they are amazed at the little things they hear, see, and experience. Kids are learning and growing every day, and often having new encounters. The childhood wonder is innocent and…

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The Key to Growth: Put Something at Risk

Always playing it “safe” might feel like the comfortable thing to do. But if you aren’t putting something at risk, then you aren’t going to grow. Life is a roller coaster with inevitable ups and downs, and you must be willing to embrace the ride and take risks along the way. When you are putting…

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The Secret to Finding Happiness in the Everyday Grind

In Greek Mythology, Sisyphus was punished. The gods were angry with him, forcing him to push a huge boulder up a hill. He would complete the task, only to have the boulder roll back down at the end of the day. Over and over again… repeating this for eternity. Sisyphus spent his days in painful,…

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What Are You Building?

The combination of action, intention, and vision is a powerful recipe for success. While going through the motions is better than staying still, real results come when these actions are paired with a vision for the future. This allegory might be simple, but there is a deep message that can make a difference in the…

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Survival vs. Contribution: How Are You Living?

Once these needs are met, then a person can turn their focus to their inner self, including esteem and self-actualization. How Survival Is Different in Our Modern World Hundreds of years ago, survival meant hunting, farming, and building shelter for the family. Even though physiological and safety elements are still necessary, we have a different…

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Take a Stand for Things That Matter

How do you choose priorities to build your career and move the needle forward? There are endless opportunities and distractions, making it challenging to know the best ways to use your time and focus your efforts. Taking a stand helps you refine your action steps and can mitigate risk at the same time. When you…

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Have You Broken Any Promises Today?

From the moment the alarm clock goes off in the morning, it could mean that you are breaking a promise before you even get out of bed. “What promise?!” You might be asking. How can you break a promise before the day has started? Promises can be both big and small. Setting an alarm means…

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The Difference Between Perception and Reality

While it might seem easy to assume that your perception is reality, the truth is that it takes practice to discern the differences between perception and reality. Just because a person perceives something in a certain way doesn’t mean there are concrete facts to back up that perception. Reality = Fact-Based Approach I am a…

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